I had a really great casting on Thursday which turned into a booking for the job! The next day, Friday, I shot an editorial spread for
Dedicate magazine in France. There were four of us guys and one girl, all from my agency. It was my first time shooting with any other models, since everything I've done so far has been test shoots by myself. It was a lot of fun and I'm excited to see the finished product. The photographer was great and helped me out a lot. He taught as he shot, so I walked out of the studio with more confidence in my modeling abilities. We were there from 9am to almost 6pm, but I kept on saying throughout the day that I wish I could do this as my job every day. Maybe someday...
The shoot wasn't a paid job, but it doesn't really matter much. What I really need are some tearsheets in my book from magazines, so this worked out perfectly. Since we weren't getting paid, the photographer took solo portraits as he was working, just to help our books. He was so nice! I'll share photos as soon as I get them. The agency is closed for the holidays and doesn't reopen until January 6th, so don't expect anthing soon.
Having just returned home after only a month since my last visit, it's great to be able to have something new to talk about when everyone asks the same question, "how has modeling been going?"
The answer? I'm having so much fun!